Saturday, June 10, 2006

Count Jackula

We took Jack to Whitby today. I figured if he's to become a Goth then he might as well start now. We ate at the marvellous White Horse and Griffin pub - a firm favourite of ours - the food was as good as ever and so was the service. We also took him to see his Great Great Auntie Dids - she was well-pleased to see him and she is as fit and as adventurous as ever. There are a few snaps I took in Jacks Place. Also I have tried some close up shots using my macro function on my camera but I'm not sure he's ready for that yet as he looks like as though one looks when you look into the back of a spoon ! Whitby's great - not because I'm an old goth and they have conventions each year (which I might add I have never been to!) But it has so much charisma. I think we might go there for a weekend soon .... BTW have I mentioned yet he's starting to smile ? He started about a week ago - he doesn't do it often but he's doing it more and more and sometimes can do it on request ....

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