Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jacks 1st birthday Party

Have uploaded a vid of Jacks birthday rave on YouTube.

Check it out on the left.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What is WRONG with these companies ????

OK I have had months of billing nightmares with my ISP Pipex. I switched from a 2MB package to a 8mb one in September last year - I had already paid upfront for a year on my 2MB one and it took until February this year to get a refund for the difference - I won't go into the numerous amounts of emails and telephone calls it took to sort that one out.

So last week I realised they have not taken any money from my card since December (they should have been taking 19.99 per month). So I ring them and arranged to pay the outstanding balance and cancelled my credit card with them and set up a new Direct Debit with them (as you are protected under the DD guarantee that way if they mess up).

Then yesterday I get 2 letters from them each saying they are setting me up with a DD both giving different reference numbers.
Then today I get a letter saying I owe them money from December and they will be taking it out on the 15th May (even though I had already paid it).
So I ring them yet again today and speak to one of their minions and they acknowledge the payment letter "was a mistake" and the 2 direct debit letters were "a mistake", but when I asked if their billing system was in order now she said "yes". I said if its in order why have I been sent these erroneous letters and have to waste my time ringing you up. She just came back with some robotic apologetic sentence and didn't answer the question.

OK next - British Gas and NPower ....
I switched to British Gas as NPower claimed that they needed to put up my gas bill from 30 pounds per month to 59 pounds per month (it must be the family of 10 we have hiding in the loft). So I immediately went to and left them.

I rang British Gas yesterday and gave them gas and elec readings. Then I reang NPower to cancel my DD's. They claimed that the gas was still with them and hadn't heard anything from British Gas - I rang British Gas back and they said its definitely with them - great eh ? This painless switch really works !

Then I get a phone call from British Gas today in India saying they would like me to give them my gas and elec readings ! I told her that I gave them that over the phone to an advisor yesterday.

WHY ARE THESE COMPANIES SO INCOMPETENT ? Is it so hard to do these simple tasks ?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Jack meets Noddy and Big Ears

We went to Harewood House today and Jack met Noddy and Big Ears.

I think Noddy scared him though !

Check out the pictures.